Saturday, 11 February 2012

Fire Discipline

Fire Artillery Officers, the name Fire Discipline is pretty familiar. Hence I am posting here few links related to Fire Discipline.
Fire Discipline on Wikipedia. The rules described are related to US Artillery in particular.
You can get information of various Artillery Operations here as well.
In case you are interested in British Artillery Fire Discipline, this web page would be pretty helpful. Fire Discipline
Few Pictures showing Artillery at work.

Look Front

Soldiers will remain soldiers no matter which country's army they are serving.

Military Slangs 4

Here are the few more military slang words starting from Alphabet C and D.

1. Chief of Smoke : The senior enlisted man of an artillery battery or platoon, after the First Sergeant

2. Close of Business : The time of day when all scheduled training and administrative work stops

3. Day 0 : The first day of basic training

4. Dropshort : An artilleryman, or the Artillery in general. Artillery will often fire over the heads of friendly troops, who will certainly not appreciate a round that drops short

Military Slangs 3

Here are few military slang words starting from Alphabet C.

1.   Cannon Cocker :   An artilleryman
2.   Cannon Fodder :   An infantryman sent into battle with the expectation that he will be killed
3.   CATFU :   (KAT-foo-(ed) ) Completely And Totally Fuck(ed) Up (i.e. "This thing is CATFUed")
4.   Charlie Mike : continue mission
5.   Chicken Colonel :   A full colonel, also known as "full bull," "Full bird," or "Bird colonel" as opposed to "light colonel," which is a lieutenant colonel

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Motivation 1

Few pictures to motivate my soldiers. Girls are now in every field. There presence in military is shown here with he help of these pictures. 


The picture shows the dedication towards service. :)

Military Slangs 2

Here are few military slang's starting from Alphabet B.

1. BAM :  Broad Assed Marine. Derogatory term for a female Marine
2. Barracks rat : A service member unwilling or financially unable to go "out in town" during liberty.
3. Beat Your Face : Slang for "do some push ups" and is commonly used in boot camp. Example: "Private, you think that's funny?! BEAT YOUR FACE!"
4. Blanket Party : A form of hazing meted out to unpopular service members. Involves covering the head and arms of the target with a blanket to prevent fighting back or identification of the attackers while a beating is administered.
5. BMO :  Black Moving Object, or a woman in a burkha.
6. Bravo Zulu : (Worldwide Navies) Means 'Well Done'. Comes from the Allied Naval Signal Book, conveyed by flag hoist or voice radio.

Military Slangs 1

Here are few military slangs for you to enjoy.

1.  Adm Day : day allocated for Barrack maintenance and other administration work
2. Admin Vortex : Disorganized soldier
3. Alpha Mike Foxtrot : "Adios Mother Fucker" abbreviated using the phonetic alphabet. When used in garrison it is a friendly farewell. When used in combat situations it generally means that the person in other end of the barrel is being wished a not-so-kind farewell
4. Attend B : Written in abbreviated form as ATTN B; personnel excused from strenuous or physical training, but are otherwise required to be present for the training or class
5. Attend C : Written in abbreviated form as ATTN C; personnel excused from training are in Attend C status

Military Quotes 2

Here are few more military quotes by General George Patton Jr which may be useful for you in your professional carrier.

1.   May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.
2.   Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.
3.   Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.

Title this Picture

While browsing Internet, I came across a picture which was quite amusing. I have decided to share that with you. However I have not titled the picture and have left that job for you.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Camouflage & Concealment

This girls shows us who to break the shape and kill the shine.

Military Quotes

1.     "Always remember, Your weapon was made by the lowest bidder"
2.     "I Shall Return!" - General McArthur
3.     "Do not fire until you see the whites of their eyes!" - Colonel William Prescott
4.     Freedom is not free, but the United States Marine Corps will pay for most of your share." - Bob Dylan
5.     "War is a duel at an extensive scale." - Karl Von Clausewitz

female polish Soldier

A picture of female polish soldier ready to die for her country.

Top 10 Armies in the World

I came across few videos on on the above mentioned title. See Pakistan has been ranked at number 4, quite above as compared to India and Israel. Top 10 Armies in the World.
In this video Pakistan has been ranked at number 5. Top 10 Armies.
But if you visit, you will find Pakistan at number 15. Here different countries like Brazil, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea etc have been ranked much higher as compared to Pakistan, which reveals this fact that the judgement is completely baised.

Number of troops in different Armies

You can view the number of troops in each army on this wikipeida page. Its quite a handy information. You may click on this link to open it. List of Countries by number of Troops